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Easy strawberry ice cream

I would like to say that this recipe for strawberry ice cream is the result of years of hard research, but the fact is that I came to it by chance: I had prepared strawberry jam that was too liquid, so I decided to mix it with whipped cream and see what happened … Just like that, it is a luscious cream pie filling or frosting. But if you freeze this cream, you will get a delicious icecream, even if you do not use an icecream maker. You will only need 10 minutes, and three simple ingredients: strawberry jam, cream, and lemon juice for an easy strawberry homemade ice cream! Give it a try, and let me know.

Helado de fresa
you just need 3 ingredients
Helado de fresa
do you want some?

Helado de fresa
cloud macarons...
Helado de fresa
... filled with nutella

{Easy strawberry icecream}


  • 500 g strawberries jam (aprox 17 oz)
  • 500 ml whipping cream (2 cups)
  • juice of one lemon


  1. Put cold heavy
    cream in a mixing bowl. With an electric hand mixer or a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat cream. As the cream thickens, start checking for a soft peak, which is what you want. Be careful, because if it goes too far, the cream will clump and separate (essentially become butter).
  2. Mix strawberries jam and lemon juice.
  3. Add jam to whipped cream carefully, and mix throroughly.
  4. Freeze for at least 8 hours. Take out of the freezer 5 minutes before serving

Preparation: 10 min plus freezing time

Cooking time: no cooking needed

Yield: 6-8 servings

Rating:  ★★★★★ 1 Average value 5

NOTES: The cloud macarons were prepared after this recipe, using this template by RoseAndCook.com Alternativeley, you might use the cloud macarons to decorate cupcakes (see pictures below)