Every morning I get on the scale to see “how much I have grown up”, as my 3 year-old son says. Always with the fear it will say: Please only one person at a time!
But despite this scale’s obsession, I still can’t avoid preparing delicious treats from time to time, like these chocolate cupcakes decorated with bird nests. A sweet something might not be always good for your body, but it is sometimes good for the soul!
{Easter cupcakes}
- For the white chocolate cupcake (from Cupcakes and Fairy Cakes, Women’s Weekly):
- 125 g butter, coarsely chopped (1 stick)
- 100 g white chocolate, coarsely chopped
- 150 g brown sugar (2/3 cup)
- 90 g golden syrup (1/4 cup)
- 160 ml milk (2/3 cup)
- 150 g plain flour (1 cup)
- 50 g self-raising flour (1/2 cup)
- 1 egg
- 12 tsp nutella
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 36 white chocolate eggs (Milkybar)
- edible black pen
- 20 g yellow candy melts
To decorate:
- Preheat oven to 375º F (170º C) and line a 12 hole standard muffin pan with paper cases
- Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, syrup and milk in small saucepan, stir over low heat until smooth. Transfer mixture to medium bowl, cool 15 minutes
- Whisk sifted flours into chocolate mixture, then egg. Divide mixture among cases
- Bake for about 20 minutes. Turn cakes onto a wire rack to cool.
- Prepare the little “birds”. Melt candy melts in the microwave, and pipe a yellow beak on each white chocolate egg. Draw eyes with a black edible pen, and let them set. Lightly frost cupcakes with 1 tsp nutella. Using a sharp knife, scrape along the side of room-temperature chocolate, and place chocolate over every cupcake, forming a nest. Place 3 eggs on every cupcake. Enjoy
Preparation time: 40 min
Cooking time: 20 min
how to pipe the beak? tip? thank you
Like your bird nest cupcakes! Thank you for sharing your pictures and recipe. I talked your cupcakes and shared your website link on my blog : http://www.cupcakespost.com.
Thank you!
I made these cupcakes over Easter and topped them with a brown butter buttercream, they were lovely; I’d love to make them again and perhaps try nutella or a buttercream with golden syrup. Thanks for sharing the recipe!